Friday 24 February 2012

Evaluation & Crit

After evaluating my own work I thought that it works well if the person that was judging it was me. but not if it was Erik Helvetikessels, which is what the brief was for. I am going to try making some images that are just helvetica to see if I can bring myself to do it.
For future briefs I need to focus on designing for the audience rather than myself, which is the biggest problem I have at the moment.

I knocked this up in seconds but it's the sort of thing Erik Kessels'd probably like:

Light font makes it hard to read, makes the viewer go closer to read it, illustrates the words.

I think this is a bit too easy and has been done loads before but I'm not the one doing a Lecture in Manchester about design.

I  think that I would like this if I someone else designed it, because I would assume loads of thought and that went into it but because I did it in a few seconds i wouldn't want to submit it as a final piece. Whats the difference between a good designer and a lazy designer? probably not a lot if you just look at the final outcomes.

The main thing I've learnt from this brief is that designing for other people is really chuffing hard, it's like a punk trying to play pop, but it's something I need to try and give it a go.

I'd definately stand more chance submitting this than the others, unless Kessels gets some kids to pick the winning design.

These two posters have exactly the same message but the left is what Kessels'd (probably) like and the right is what I would (probably) like.  

Who knows what Kessels'd like, his works pretty varied, maybe he'll admire individuality, maybe he'll like simple use of helvetica.

End of blog post

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