Saturday 6 October 2012

10 Interesting Things...

  1. Poor sanitation and lack of toilets is a huge problem for 40% of the worlds population and it doesn't seem to get as much news coverage or exposure as other problems.
  2. 19th November is World Toilet Day aimed at raising awareness of the problem of lack of toilets, which is a day most people haven't heard of/ think it's not about a serious problem.
  3. The subject matter is interesting because the topic is slightly taboo and not something that regularly crops up in conversation but it is something that everyone has in common and can relate to.
  4. In India more people have mobile phones instead of toilets which is a fact that most people can't believe in this day and age.
  5. For this problem awareness is one of the main things that needs sorting before money which separates it from the average charity appeal.
  6. Washing hands, good hygiene and education of this is all it could take to save 3.5 million children's lives a year.
  7. There are some Japanese toilets that are crazy, funny and interesting.
  8. There are a wide variety of toilets in the world that give a fresh perspective and insight into different cultures and ways of life.
  9. Toilets are an essential part of everybody's life but are taken for granted and go unnoticed in developed countries.
  10. It is a topic that a lot of people haven't been told about that is fresh, interesting and different than the world problems that people are told about regularly.

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