Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Good Is.. Workshop- 'Small Talk'

The topic that I have chosen to go with is 'Small Talk'. After todays workshop I am happy with my chosen topic and confident that I'll be able to produce some interesting work from it.

5 Things I need to find more about

  1. Most common topic of small talk and the basic rules
  2. Evolution of small talk
  3. Why awkward silence is so awkward for those involved
  4. How to maintain small talk
  5. What products already exists: board games, apps, posters, info grafs, books. 
5 Skills I want to improve on

  1. Craft + net skills
  2. Wider digital and online scope- apps, games, social networks, website, promotions
  3. Illustration
  4. Range consistency and strength
  5. Focussing on specific audience
5 Ways to improve skills

  1. Detailed mock ups of ideas
  2. Get more hands on- crafting, testing, more use of special stocks
  3. Research current online outlets for similar campaigns
  4. Determine a strong identity that is built on relevance to the topic
  5. Research target area and compile existing material that has dealt with the same market.

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